Friday 29 March 2013

A lesson in group development.

1. First we write on the whiteboard and talk about diffrent groupes, leaders and roles.

2. After that thay did some group exercises. In this exercise the group paint the world as they se it.

3. We had breaks and talked about what roles they had in the different groups in there life and what roles they wished they had. After that, they try out the new characters. While they painting we talked about different experiences and how we affect each other. The last question was how the group developed during this exercise.


  1. Sounds like a great Team work activity. Next week i ma going to give my students some materials and set them the task to work in a TEAM to make a robot, then we will discuss the different roles that they took on.

  2. Beautiful for students that they may use different minds when they work in schools

  3. To make a robot?!? Intressting! Sad we can´t follow the work and results, it would be fun to se!

    What kind of matrial are they given to use??

  4. Just boxes and sticky tape - I'll put on a photo -

  5. Good, it will be nice to se the result!
